New Jersey Child Support Lawyers

Helping Families in Bergen, Essex, and Morris Counties

In New Jersey, in stark contrast to the determination of alimony, child support is generally calculated by formula pursuant to the “Child Support Guidelines” which are set forth in Appendix IX to the New Jersey Rules of Court. Same take into consideration a host of factors including each parent’s income, alimony paid by either parent to the other, health insurance premiums or work-related child care incurred for the child(ren), and the extent of the non-custodial parent’s overnight parenting time. Child support awards under the Guidelines encompass three categories of spending related to children.

These categories include:

  • Fixed” costs (representing 38% of relative spending on children) which are incurred even when a child is not in a parent’s physical custody such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, household furnishings, and household care items.
  • Variable costs (representing 37% of relative spending on children) which “follow the child” and are incurred only when a child is in the physical custody of a parent such as transportation and food.
  • Controlled costs (representing 25% of relative spending on children) which are generally “controlled” by a child’s primary caretaker such as clothing and entertainment expenses.

Following divorce or separation, each parent has a continuing obligation to financially support their child(ren) until emancipation. The right to child support is considered to be the child(ren)’s as opposed to the custodial parent’s. At Ziegler Law Group LLC, our team of skilled matrimonial law attorneys are experienced in the interpretation and application of the Child Support Guidelines and related statutory and case law. We can help ensure that a fair assessment of your family’s circumstances is made and that you and your children can continue to thrive after your marriage. We serve clients throughout Alpine, Closter, Hackensack, Livingston, Saddle River, Westwood, and surrounding areas.

Contact us at (973) 533-1100 today for an assessment of your specific circumstances. Our team is ready to hear your family’s story.


Legal Team

With more than 100 years of collective legal experience, Ziegler Law Group LLC is the firm you can trust to guide you through life’s most complex issues.

Vikki Ziegler
Polina Dostalik
Jason LeBoeuf

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