Appellate Division Reaffirms Parents’ 5th Amendment Rights

In the recent published decision, E.S. v. H.A., the Appellate Division struck down a trial court’s prohibition on a father’s reunification therapy until he “admitted wrongdoing.” E.S. involved a highly contentious custody battle between two parents and their now 13-year old son, “Richard”. At the heart of that battle was the plaintiff-mother E.S.’s allegation that…

My Name Is…

Last month New Jersey Courts approved what would prove to be a precedential decision and a rubric for Judges asked to decide the issue of a minor, transgender child seeking to change their name. In the matter of Sacklow v. Betts, Plaintiff, mother, the custodial parent of a transgendered child, sought, on her child’s behalf,…

Fichter v. Fichter

Imagining your daughter or son driving is already a very scary thought for most parents, but, even worse, is your child driving without any sort of car insurance as well. As such, it is important to negotiate that you and your soon-to-be ex will split any and all costs relating to child’s car insurance in…

Atwell v. Atwell, Appellate Division, Docket No. A-4406-14T1 (December 22, 2016)

In Atwell v. Atwell, the Appellate Division addressed the trial court’s obligation to consider pendente lite support paid by an obligor spouse in awarding limited duration alimony pursuant to the recently revised alimony statute, N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23. Defendant husband appealed the trial judge’s award of five (5) years of limited duration alimony commencing from the entry…