What Custody Rights do Grandparents have to a Grandchild in New Jersey?

What Custody Rights do Grandparents have to a Grandchild in New Jersey?

The law is well established in New Jersey favoring parents’ fundamental custody and parenting rights of their child.   However, that right is not absolute, and a parent’s presumptive right can be overcome by a showing of “gross misconduct, unfitness, neglect, or ‘exceptional circumstances’ affecting the welfare of the child.” K.A.F. v. D.L.M., 437 N.J. Super.…

Divorce Trends for 2021

Divorce Trends for 2021

Getting divorced is hard enough without any external factors. Add 10 months of a global pandemic, quarantining, home-schooling, and job changes, and it could be a true recipe for disaster. You can’t go blow off steam with your friends without considering a lot of logistics. You can’t run to the gym to clear your mind…