Children and Legal Separation in New Jersey: Custody Considerations

Children and Legal Separation in New Jersey: Custody Considerations

Legal separation in New Jersey brings several considerations to the forefront, particularly when it involves children. Understanding how custody arrangements are managed during a legal separation is crucial for parents who wish to ensure the well-being of their children during this transitional period. This guide will explore the custody considerations that parents must navigate in…

What Custody Rights do Grandparents have to a Grandchild in New Jersey?

What Custody Rights do Grandparents have to a Grandchild in New Jersey?

The law is well established in New Jersey favoring parents’ fundamental custody and parenting rights of their child.   However, that right is not absolute, and a parent’s presumptive right can be overcome by a showing of “gross misconduct, unfitness, neglect, or ‘exceptional circumstances’ affecting the welfare of the child.” K.A.F. v. D.L.M., 437 N.J. Super.…

The Road Back to School Plan

When the world essentially shut down in March and schools were closed, parents throughout New Jersey held onto hope that schools would eventually reopen before the end of the school year. With every passing school holiday and milestone, parents muttered under their sleep deprived breaths that homeschooling and virtual learning could possibly continue for another…

You’ve Received a Finding of “Not Established.” Now What?

When the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) receives an allegation of abuse or neglect, they are mandated by law to investigate it. The investigation will end in one of four findings: Substantiated, Established, Not Established or Unfounded. “Established” and “Substantiated” are both considered findings of abuse or neglect and allow the accused party…

Appellate Division Addresses Custody and Parenting Time Related Sanctions and the Intrastate Relocation Standard in New Decision

Appellate Division Addresses Custody and Parenting Time Related Sanctions and the Intrastate Relocation Standard in New Decision

In a significant new decision, A.J. v. R.J., ___ N.J. Super. ___ (App. Div. 2019), the Appellate Division addressed both sanctions for violations of custody/parenting time Orders and confirmed that the interstate relocation standard established in Bisbing v. Bisbing must be applied to both interstate and intrastate relocation applications. Background The case stems from Plaintiff,…

Navigating the FD Docket: Court Forms and Procedures for Parents Who Were Never Married

The Courts in New Jersey have a specific set of forms and procedures for unmarried parents who are going through child-related legal disputes such as custody, parenting time, child support, college contribution, medical expenses, extracurricular activities, and camp expenses.  The cases are handled by the Family Division and are referred to as “non-dissolution” matters and…