Cohabitation statute

Appellate Division Finds That Alimony Payor Must Still Fulfill Initial Burden of a “Change in Circumstances” Before Being Entitled to Discovery from Payee Under New Jersey’s Cohabitation Statute

Our blog has featured many articles on the topic of cohabitation, where a former spouse paying alimony can seek to modify his/her alimony obligation if the payee former spouse cohabits with another person in a “mutually supportive, intimate personal relationship in which a couple has undertaken duties and privileges that are commonly associated with marriage…

Living in proverbial purgatory

For clients who are just starting the divorce process, I often warn that it may get worse before it gets better. This is particularly true for those that are going to be living under the same roof with their soon-to-be ex-spouse during the course of the divorce. In the best-case scenario, divorces should be amicable…

Pascale v. Pascale

Pascale v. Pascale

Most family law practitioners have heard the speech many times from judges, usually at an initial Case Management Conference. You know the one: settle, settle, settle. If you don’t settle, some person in a black robe will have to decide important issues about your life and you will probably be unhappy with the result. The…