How to Deal with False Domestic Violence Accusations in New Jersey

How to Deal with False Domestic Violence Accusations in New Jersey

Receiving notice of a temporary restraining order when you have no clue why can be terrifying. Facing false domestic violence accusations in New Jersey can be a distressing and challenging ordeal, with significant legal and personal consequences. Unfortunately, false domestic violence accusations occur, and if you don’t know how to handle it, you may end…

In a Domestic Violence case in New Jersey, Should I Document Interactions with the Alleged Victim or any Potential Witnesses?

It’s generally advisable to document interactions in any legal situation, including domestic violence cases. Keeping a record of relevant information can be important for your defense or to support your case. Here are some general tips: Record Details: Note dates, times, locations, and a detailed description of each interaction or incident. Witness Information: If there…

Can I Have Domestic Violence Charges Dropped if the Alleged Victim No Longer Wants to Press Charges in New Jersey?

While the alleged victim’s desire to drop charges may have an impact on a case, the decision to pursue or drop charges ultimately lies with the prosecuting attorney and the State, not the victim directly. In New Jersey, criminal cases are typically prosecuted by the State, not the individual victim. If an alleged victim expresses…