Tech abuse in coercive control: Understanding how technology is used in domestic abuse.

How do Celebrity or High-Profile Divorces Differ from Typical High-Income Divorces in Terms of Privacy and Media Attention?

Divorces are never easy, but when the individuals involved are celebrities or high-profile figures, the challenges can be magnified by intense media scrutiny. While high-income divorces often involve complex financial matters and asset division, the added element of public attention makes celebrity divorces particularly distinct. Here’s how these high-profile divorces differ from typical high-income divorces,…

Legal and Emotional Challenges of Divorcing a High-Net-Worth Individual: Protecting Your Interests and Securing Fair Compensation

Legal and Emotional Challenges of Divorcing a High-Net-Worth Individual: Protecting Your Interests and Securing Fair Compensation

Regardless of your financial situation, divorce is not easy. When it comes to divorcing a high-net-worth individual who has more assets than you do, divorce becomes significantly more complex. Between alimony, child support, and the equitable distribution of assets, there are the complications that arise when your divorce may also garner media attention. If you…