The Appellate Division Analyzes a “Dating Relationship” in 2020 Under The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act

In a case of first impression, the Appellate Division recently addressed how to define a “dating relationship” under the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (the Act) in today’s day and age. While it may not be surprising to those currently on the dating scene, the Appellate Division held that the exchange of countless (nearly 1300)…

A Cautionary Tale for Counsel

On April 28, 2020, the Appellate Division issued a publish opinion that can only be described as a cautionary tale for any counsel seeking to represent a client on a matter to which that counsel does not have sufficient experience or expertise. The Appellate Division addressed this issue in the contested adoption case: In the…

Alimony Modifications

Appellate Division Provides Much Needed Clarity on Alimony Modifications When a Payor Seeks an Early Retirement

The Appellate Division’s recently published (precedential) decision in Amzler v. Amzler provided much needed clarity on a question of first impression regarding early retirement and related applications to modify or terminate alimony obligations established prior to the 2014 amendments to our alimony statute. Specifically, the Appellate Division was presented with the question of whether N.J.S.A.…