Couple Hands On Divorce Agreement

Can a Prenuptial Agreement be Challenged or Invalidated in a High-Income Divorce, and what are the Grounds for Doing So?

Prenuptial agreements, also known as prenups or premarital agreements, are legal documents that outline the division of assets, spousal support, and other financial matters in the event of a divorce. While they are generally legally binding, there are circumstances under which a prenuptial agreement may be challenged or invalidated, even in high-income divorces. However, it’s…

Prenuptial Agreements in New Jersey: Should you be asking “why”, or “why not”?

Prenuptial Agreements in New Jersey: Should you be asking “why”, or “why not”?

Pre-nups in New jersey are governed by statute (N.J.S.A. 37:2-31) known as the “Uniform Pre-Civil Union Agreement Act”, also known as “UPAA”, for short. Pre-nups can accomplish a variety of things, and most commonly, allow couples to clearly define separate property (as opposed to marital property) and how certain property will be divided in the…