ZRE’s Vikki Ziegler Featured in NewsBreak Article
ZRE’s managing partner and owner of the firm, Vikki Ziegler, was mentioned in a NewsBreak article about her featured appearances on dozens of TV shows, including ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.’
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ZRE’s managing partner and owner of the firm, Vikki Ziegler, was mentioned in a NewsBreak article about her featured appearances on dozens of TV shows, including ‘Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.’
Divorce attorneys across the county have witnessed a sharp increase in divorce filings and domestic violence matters since Covid ravaged the United States in early 2020. Couples that were on the brink of separation were catapulted into a jail-like setting with lockdowns and unemployment at an all-time high. The uncertainty caused many to wait for…
ZRE’s Criminal Defense Attorney Jason LeBoeuf appeared on NBC New York to speak about a no contact order for a Newark homeowner who is still legally battling a man who broke into her home claiming ownership. To view the full story please click here!
An issue that often arises in family law practice is whether a party can avoid having to pay a counsel fee award to the other party by filing for bankruptcy and attempting to discharge the debt. In Bisbing v. Bisbing, III, a recently published (precedential) decision, however, the Appellate Division concluded attorney’s fees awarded in…
Ziegler & Resnick LLC’s own Jason J. LeBoeuf, Esq. will be joining a panel of highly regarded criminal law practitioners to discuss the best ways to navigate virtual criminal court proceedings on August 17, 2021 at 4pm. This webinar is being hosted by the Essex County Bar Foundation and will be a 1.5 credit CLE…
In D.M.R. v. M.K.G., a recently published (precedential) decision, the Appellate Division wrote an opinion on an appeal of a granted Final Restraining Order finally speaking to issues with trying cases via ZOOM or other similar platforms and, in so doing, held that such issues arising during the subject trial deprived the Defendant of due…
In New Jersey, victims of domestic violence are afforded protections under the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (N.J.S.A. 2C:15-19; hereinafter, “PDVA”). Victims seeking protection under the PDVA must have a certain relationship with the alleged perpetrator of domestic violence, which certain relationships include without limitation spouses, household members (or former household members), co-parents…
A recently unpublished Appellate Division decision, A.J.V. v. M.M.V, touches upon the intricacies of alimony, both during the pre-judgment, litigation phase (also known as pendente lite support or interim support) and the final alimony award. Navigating alimony cases in New Jersey has always been a nuanced journey. Most clients commencing divorce proceedings are nearly always…
The scourge of the COVID pandemic and the myriad of problems it has created in all facets of American life have resulted in numerous remedial measures in order to keep the court system moving, protect the health of Americans and also keep businesses afloat. A key part of these measures find their genesis in the…
Pre-nups in New jersey are governed by statute (N.J.S.A. 37:2-31) known as the “Uniform Pre-Civil Union Agreement Act”, also known as “UPAA”, for short. Pre-nups can accomplish a variety of things, and most commonly, allow couples to clearly define separate property (as opposed to marital property) and how certain property will be divided in the…
As we begin to emerge from the worst of the pandemic and look to return to some normalcy, we as family law attorneys need to recognize how the resulting changes to child custody and parenting time issues impact on how we will represent the best interests of our clients and their children going forward. A…
The recently published Appellate Division decision of W.M. v. D.G., provided much needed guidance as to the manner in which non-dissolution custody matters between unmarried parents are to proceed in the trial court. The case presented issues several complex issues involving custody, psychological parentage, and the appointment of a law guardian for a minor child.…
Oftentimes parties will agree to settlement terms that are memorialized in a written settlement agreement spanning ten, twenty, thirty pages or more depending on the complexity of the issues and marital estate involved. While we do what we can as practitioners to avoid potential pitfalls, loopholes and ambiguities in the agreement language, occasions do arise…
It is well established in New Jersey Family Law that the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (“the Act”) is to be broadly applied to ensure protection for true victims of domestic violence. What happens, however, when an alleged victim procures a Temporary and perhaps Final Restraining Order simply to procure an advantage in a separate…
People who know me know that I love a good movie quote, especially if it comes from an 80s movie. Talk to me about John Hughes movies or Coming to America and you have my respect. Start deep diving into Beverly Hills Cop and Back to School, however, and I know we were meant to…
It is inevitable that during an initial consultation, I will be asked everyone’s two favorite questions: how long will this take and how much will it cost? And the answer- time and time again- is it depends. This is an answer that frustrates most people, and it feels like a very lawyerly answer. But it…