Domestic Violence Intertwinement of Protections Under the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act and Divorce

Intertwinement of Protections Under the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act and Divorce

In New Jersey, victims of domestic violence are afforded protections under the New Jersey Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (N.J.S.A. 2C:15-19; hereinafter, “PDVA”). Victims seeking protection under the PDVA must have a certain relationship with the alleged perpetrator of domestic violence, which certain relationships include without limitation spouses, household members (or former household members), co-parents…

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AlimonyDivorce Appellate Division Confirms That a Marital Savings Component Can Be Applied Retroactively When Addressing Support

Appellate Division Confirms That a Marital Savings Component Can Be Applied Retroactively When Addressing Support

A recently unpublished Appellate Division decision, A.J.V. v. M.M.V, touches upon the intricacies of alimony, both during the pre-judgment, litigation phase (also known as pendente lite support or interim support) and the final alimony award. Navigating alimony cases in New Jersey has always been a nuanced journey. Most clients commencing divorce proceedings are nearly always…

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Prenuptial agreements Prenuptial Agreements in New Jersey: Should you be asking “why”, or “why not”?

Prenuptial Agreements in New Jersey: Should you be asking “why”, or “why not”?

Pre-nups in New jersey are governed by statute (N.J.S.A. 37:2-31) known as the “Uniform Pre-Civil Union Agreement Act”, also known as “UPAA”, for short. Pre-nups can accomplish a variety of things, and most commonly, allow couples to clearly define separate property (as opposed to marital property) and how certain property will be divided in the…

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Family Law The Appellate Division Provides Guidance As To Navigating Custody Disputes Through The “FD” (Non-Dissolution) Docket

The Appellate Division Provides Guidance As To Navigating Custody Disputes Through The “FD” (Non-Dissolution) Docket

The recently published Appellate Division decision of W.M. v. D.G., provided much needed guidance as to the manner in which non-dissolution custody matters between unmarried parents are to proceed in the trial court. The case presented issues several complex issues involving custody, psychological parentage, and the appointment of a law guardian for a minor child.…

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Child Custody What Custody Rights do Grandparents have to a Grandchild in New Jersey?

What Custody Rights do Grandparents have to a Grandchild in New Jersey?

The law is well established in New Jersey favoring parents’ fundamental custody and parenting rights of their child.   However, that right is not absolute, and a parent’s presumptive right can be overcome by a showing of “gross misconduct, unfitness, neglect, or ‘exceptional circumstances’ affecting the welfare of the child.” K.A.F. v. D.L.M., 437 N.J. Super.…

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