Alimony The “Alimony Insurance” Solution: Pros and Cons of Alimony Insurance in New Jersey

The “Alimony Insurance” Solution: Pros and Cons of Alimony Insurance in New Jersey

Alimony can be life-changing in situations where one spouse is financially dependent on the other. However, for the payor spouse, the financial burden of alimony—often paired with child support—can be daunting, especially since circumstances are very likely to change after divorce. One solution for people going through divorce has emerged known as “alimony insurance” in…

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Uncategorized What New Jersey’s High-Net-Worth Divorces Mean for Alimony Awards

Special Considerations for Protecting Intellectual Property or Professional Practices in a High-Income Divorce in NJ

In a high-income divorce in New Jersey, the protection of intellectual property (IP) and professional practices can become a critical issue, as these assets may hold significant value. If you are involved in a high-income divorce and own intellectual property or a professional practice, it’s important to understand the special considerations surrounding these assets. Valuation…

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Alimony Should Alimony Be Permanent? Examining New Jersey’s Open Durational Alimony Laws

Should Alimony Be Permanent? Examining New Jersey’s Open Durational Alimony Laws

Back in 2014, New Jersey answered the question: Should alimony be permanent? The governor signed a bill for alimony reform, transforming permanent alimony into open durational alimony. Other types of alimony were also introduced to address various challenges met by the dependent spouse following divorce. However, there is still a discussion about whether permanent alimony…

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Real Estate Can You File a Pendente Lite Motion in a New Jersey Divorce?

Can a Real Estate Closing Lawyer in New Jersey Provide Guidance on Financing Options and Help Me Understand Mortgage Terms and Obligations?

When you’re buying a home or investment property, understanding your financing options and the terms of your mortgage is essential. While your lender will provide the specifics of your loan, a real estate closing lawyer at Ziegler Law Group can offer valuable guidance to ensure that you fully understand the implications of your mortgage terms…

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DivorceRelocation Family lawyer discussing parental relocation laws in New Jersey.

Can a Divorced Parent Move Out of State? Understanding Relocation Laws and Custody Rights

Relocation after divorce is a complex issue, especially when children are involved. A move out of state can disrupt custody arrangements and impact the parent-child relationship, raising legal and emotional challenges. At Ziegler Law Group LLC, we understand the delicate balance between a parent’s right to relocate and the child’s best interests. This guide explains…

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Uncategorized DCPP v. P.O. & M.C.D

What Can I Do if I’ve Been Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence?

Being falsely accused of domestic violence is an incredibly serious and stressful situation. The accusations can have significant legal, personal, and professional consequences, including restraining orders, criminal charges, and damage to your reputation. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to understand your rights and the steps you can take to protect yourself.…

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